Dungeon Master

Level 4


01 Torch
02 Mirror Of Dawn
03 Poison Dart
04 Gold Coin, Rabbit's Foot
05 Blue Gem, Helmet
06 Poison Dart (2)
07 Gold Coin
08 Ekkhard Cross
09 Blue Gem, Mace
10 Gem Of Ages
11 Dagger
12 Hosen, Leg Mail, Mail Aketon, Helmet
13 Corn, Choker
14 Casque'n Coif
15 Staff Of Claws
16 Illumulet
17 Large Shield
18 Drumstick, Torch
19 Drumstick
20 Ven Potion
21 Ven Potion (2)
22 Chest [Bro Potion, Magical Box (Blue), Ful Bomb]
23 Blue Gem, Dane Potion
24 Ku Potion


I01 "Treasure stores"
I02 "Store rooms"


A. Take teleporters with letters alphabetically.
B. Directions to go through the room:
N E E W E N W N E W E N N E to go from (20,10) to (23,05)
W W W S S(!) S W W N S N N N W to go from (23,05) to (17,05)
E S S S S E E S to go from (17,05) to (20,10)


01 Swamp Slime Generator (1)
02 Swamp Slime
03 Screamer (2)
04 Couatl
05 Swamp Slime [Ven Potion]
06 Swamp Slime
07 Couatl
08 Swamp Slime (2)
09 Couatl
10 Couatl
11 Swamp Slime
12 Couatl Generator (1)
13 Couatl
14 Swamp Slime
Created on 18, Nov, 2014 by Indy
Last edited on 18, Nov, 2014 by Indy


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