Legend of Grimrock II



Tattered Shirt
Protection: +1
Weight: 0.3kg

Embalmer's Robe
Protection: +2
Vitality: +1
Weight: 0.5kg
A ceremonial robe with numerous hidden pockets filled with tiny vials of putrid smelling chemicals.
Found in Shipwreck Beach at 12

Xafi Robe
Protection: +2
Weight: 0.5kg
This robe protects its wearer from the biting cold and burning heat of the Xafi desert.
Found in Shipwreck Beach at 19, Twigroot Forest at 16

Sandmole Hide Vest
Light Armor
Protection: +3
Evasion -5 without Light Armor proficiency
Weight: 3.0kg
During times of drought, famers often resort to hunting sandmoles for their meat and thick hides.

Rogue Vest
Protection +5
Dexterity +1
Weight: 0.8kg
Found in Twigroot Tunnels at 37

Leather Brigandine
Light Armor
Protection +4
Evasion -5 without Light Armor Proficiency
Weight: 8.0kg
Found in Twigroot Tunnels at 46, Sewers at 18

Reed Quirass
Light Armor
Protection: +4
Evasion: +2
Evasion -5 without Light Armor proficiency
Weight: 8.0kg
This cuirass, crafter out of reeds grown on the banks of the Serpent River, can withstand far more powerful strikes and slashes than one would expect from it's looks
Found in Twigroot Tunnels at 70

Thraelm Tribal Chestplate
Light Armor
Protection: +3
Energy +5
Evasion -5 without Light Armor proficiency
Weight: 4.0kg
Powerful runes, painted with the excredtions of wormbug, larvae, adorn the chestplate
Found in Forgotten River at 01

Archmage's Scapular
Protection: +3
Willpower +1
Resist all +10
Weight: 0.5kg
The archmages of the Academy of Des are known to weave various mystical enchantments into their robes.
Found in Tomb of Rites at 29

Mirror Chestplate
Light Armor
Protection: +8
Resist All +5
Evasion -5 without Light Armor proficiency
Weight: 8.0kg
Light reflected off the polished metal discs on this chest plate shimmers and dances around in a strange fashion.
Found in Lexiconary at 57

Meteor Plate
Heavy Armor
Protection: +18
Evasion -10 without Heavy Armor proficiency
Weight: 8.0kg
The origins of this armor is a mystery. Many master blacksmiths have tried to forge meteorstone but all have failed.
Drops from Magma Golem in Barren Desert

Crystal Cuirass
Heavy Armor
Protection: +15
Health +5
Evasion -10 without Heavy Armor proficiency
Weight: 12.0kg
Putting on this crystal covered cuirass refreshes the spirits like a good night's sleep.
Found in Flooded Dungeon at 04
Created on 16, Oct, 2014 by Indy
Last edited on 14, Nov, 2014 by Jere


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