Legend of Grimrock II

Twigroot Basement

Twigroot Forest Sublevel 2

01 - Pit Fall Room
Room when you fall from the pit at the Pit Puzzle in the Twigroot Tunnels

02 - Pit Fall Room
Room when you fall from the pit at the Pit Trap in the Twigroot Tunnels
There's a sign saying:
Remember, sometimes, things are hidden in plain sight

This refers to the secret button in the Twigroot tunnels
This room is filled with dungeon rats.

03 - Healing potion

04 - Pit Fall Room
Room when you fall from the pit at the Be quick puzzle

05 - Dart (1)

06 - Lever
Opens the western gate, allowing access back to the teleporter.

07 - Blooddrop Cap

08 - Blowpipe

09 - Rage Potion

10 - Pit Fall Room
Room when you fall from the pit at the Brass Key Room in the Twigroot Tunnels

11 - Healing potion (2)

12 - Lever
Opens the door to the teleporter which brings you back up.

13 - Firebomb (1)

14 - Broadhead Arrows (2)

15 - Pit Fall Room
Room when you fall from the pit at the Leprecaun battle in the Twigroot Tunnels

16 - Sign
Shrine of the Glutton

Put 3 food items on the alcove and the wall on the left of you will open up. You will find many zombies in the next room, be prepared to fight.

17 - Lockpicks (1), Cheese

18 - Speed Potion

19 - Tome of Health

20 - Leather Gloves
Created on 18, Oct, 2014 by Indy
Last edited on 14, Nov, 2014 by Indy


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